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Making Memes Great Again

The Meme Coin

800,000,000 total Supply.
Contract To Be Renounced
No Buy Or Sell Tax
No Blacklist.
82,128 Team Tokens 
Fair Launch

More then just a meme.

We're launching PepeFloki to bring back some buzz around meme coins in the memeist way possible, A simple memey game with a recognizable face.

Nothing convoluted a simple token and simple games. 

We'll be launching on BSC to keep them fees cheap and gains HIGH.
There no whitepaper and no real tokenomics it's a fairlaunch so fill up on your bags. 

Mobile Game

Easy to play hard to put down.
Race your way to Valhalla.
Ads Generate funds for more games.
Initially Android Only.
IOS and Leaderboards Coming soon.

Gempad FairLaunch Stats

How To Buy

Get USDT via Pancakeswap.

Presale head over to Gempad And Search PepeFloki

After launch Go back PancakeSwap Use the Offical Token Address, trade what ever you want for PepeFloki.

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